Civic Education
Questionnaire - High School
Please return to Kenneth Relihan,
1. Does your school offer a civics course (which may be called “government” or “politics”)? Yes No
2. Is this course required or elective? Required Elective
3. Is this course Full Year, Semester, Quarter or Other?
Full Year Semester Quarter Other
4. In what grade are most of the students who
take this course? 9th 10th 11th 12th
5. Does this course use a textbook? Yes No
6. If “Yes”, what is the title? What is the date of publication?
7. If “No”, what materials are used?
8. Is your school involved in any of the below? (Circle all that apply)
Service Learning or Community Service
Character Education
Student Government
NH Mock Election- National Student/Parent Mock Election
Kids Voting
“We the People” (NH Bar Association)
Opportunities for students to work on political campaigns
Service-oriented Extra-curricular clubs
Field trips to courts, legislature, city or town hall, etc.
Mock trial competition
Debate or other public speaking
Lawyer or Judge in School
Legislator in School
Political candidates speaking to students
Other ___________________________
9. In your school, does History contribute to Civic Education? Yes No
Please explain _________________________________________________
10. Please turn to the back.
School _______________________________
Person completing the questionnaire ______________________________
Position ___________________________________
10. a. What does “Civic Education” mean to your school?
b. What would your school like to do to improve civic education?
c. What can the State of