Civic Education Questionnaire - Middle School


Please return to Kenneth Relihan, NHDOE, 101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, no later than December 20, 2002.


Please circle the appropriate answer. Indicate more than one answer if appropriate.


1.       How does your school teach about Civics (or “Government” or “Politics”)?

Separate Civics course

Within a History course

Within a Social Studies course

Outside formal courses

We don’t teach Civics


2.       If you have a course on Civics (“Government”), is it required or elective?

Required                       Elective


3.       What grade(s) are the students who take this course?

5th        6th        7th        8th


4.       How long is this course?     Full Year        Semester       Quarter Other


5.       Is a text used in this course?      Yes      No


6.       Is student government in your school an opportunity for meaningful Civic Education?   Yes            No


7.       Is your school involved in any of the below?

Service Learning or Community Service

Character Education

Student Government

NH Mock Election- National Student/Parent Mock Election

Kids Voting

“We the People” (NH Bar Association)

Opportunities for students to work on political campaigns

Field trips to courts, the legislature, city or town halls, etc.

Mock trial

Debate or other public speaking

Lawyer or Judge in School

Legislator in school

Political candidates speaking to students

Other ______________________________


 8.  In your school, does History contribute to Civic Education?  Yes        No

 9.   Please explain ___________________________________________________

10.  Please turn to back.


School ______________________________

Person completing the questionnaire ______________________________________

Position ____________________________________________



10. a. What does “Civic Education” mean to your school?








b. What would your school like to do to improve Civic Education?








c. What can the State of  New Hampshire do to improve Civic Education?