Themes/Social Science Grid




Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 5

Theme 6

Theme 7

Theme 8

Theme 9

Theme 10





Conflict and Cooperation

Civic Ideals, Practices and Engagement

People, Places and Environment

Material Wants and Needs

Cultural Development, Interaction and Change

Global Transformation

Science, Technology and Society

Individualism, Equality and Authority

Patterns of Social and Political Interaction

Human Expression and Communication






conflicts; interdependence

tribal justice

differences between rural & urban life

human migration; types of economic systems

system of beliefs, knowledge, values & traditions

cultural traditions balanced w/human rights

shamans; folk medicine

disparity between rich & poor; investigate core values of individual, community, state, or nation and ways values are expressed

ethnicity, race & gender in social/political relations; social movements

popular culture; language development




rise of walls, fortresses & other defense structures

cultural artifacts representative of religious values

changing relationships between people & their physical setting

artifacts: development of “needed” tools & money; residence patterns

domestication of plants/animals; settlement patterns

impact of early empire building

development of weapons of war

“American Garbage”

archaeological digs

consequences of invention of writing






interdependence; functionalism; conflict theory; explanation of social life

civil rights movement; ideals vs. practice

interaction of individuals, groups and societies w/ each other & w/physical & social environments

social stratification; classless castes; feudal estates; closed/open social systems; social/economic class differences

system of beliefs, knowledge, values, & traditions

“McDonaldization” of the world

impact of technology on society; role of shaman/medical scientists; ethics

investigate core values of individual, community, state, or nation and ways values are expressed;

disparity between rich & poor

changing patterns of class, ethnicity, race, & gender in social/political relations; social movements

popular culture; cultural transmission; instinctive, arbitrary or symbolic communication/inter-action







studies of conformity

interaction of individuals, groups and societies w/ each other & w/physical & social environments

reinforcement: operant behavior; motivation

system of beliefs, knowledge, values, & traditions; gender differences; self-esteem


experimental method

investigate core values of individual, community, state, or nation and ways values are expressed: culture & self

persuasion:  changing attitude

popular culture; language acquisition