Future Ready Schools New Hampshire
Future Ready Schools New Hampshire seeks to help superintendents, schools, faculty, students, and community members make their Future Ready Committment a reality by providing resources, professional development, and examples of Future Ready teaching and learning in New Hampshire.
Learning NH
K12 students, parents, and teachers to online
programs in and out of the state of New Hampshire. Resources and guidelines to make informed decisions about online learning.
Technology Tips and Resources for Teachers
Visit these sites on the web for up to date information on technology rich resources for educators.
Free Technology for Teachers
This site is designed to share information about free resources that teachers can use in their classrooms. Richard Byrne, the site's author, is a Maine educator. The site has received multiple Edublog awards for best resource sharing, best ed tech support, and best ed tech site.
Android 4 Schools
Reviews of apps (mostly free ones) that are appropriate for use in K-12 settings. And some suggestions about how those apps could be used by students, teachers, and school administrators.
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Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit Title IV-A of the Every Student Succeeds Act is about student support for 21st Century Learning. Districts receive funding under Title IV-A to develop projects that provide well rounded educational opportunities for students, create safe and healthy environments for learning, and increase the effective use of technology for teaching and learning. The Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit provides guidelines for the program and a process districts can use to make the best use of this funding.
ICT Literacy Standards
Take a look at the
ICT Literacy
Toolkit and view tools and resources, some developed by NH educators, that support Ed 306.42 of the Minimum Standards for School Approval. The toolkit contains updated guidance on meeting the standards in today's classrooms.
District Technology Planning
a look at the
Technology Planning Toolkit and view resources for developing an effective and meaningful technology plan for your district. While District technology plans are not longer required, they remain a good idea. Whether you develop an individual tech plan, or incorporate it into your district strategic, improvement, or digital learning plans, planning for technology is a great way to make sure your school board and community understands the importance of technology funding, and when their funding for technology goes.
Resources from The State Educational Technology Directors Association
Visit these sites for useful tools and information on technology use and integration in education.
- State Education Policy Center - see how different handle broadband, assessment, instructional materials and more.
- Resources that support Equity of Access - All students should have an equal opportunity to succeed. Technology adds another dimension to the equation, as it opens up a much broader and richer array of resources and information. Equity of access now includes access to devices to use digital content and connect to fellow students, educators and experts throughout the world.
- Resources that support Digital Content - SETDA has been a leading organization in advocating for the shift from print to digital content by making our members, policy makers and the broader education audience aware of digital content’s advantages and celebrating those states where policy changes and other initiatives have jump-started the shift to digital for students and teachers through the state.
- Resources that support Interoperability - In spite of the fact that we are awash in useful digital learning applications and potentially valuable data, the systems we use to collect, manage, analyze, and report on that data are often disconnected and don’t work well together. The goals for intelligent use of data in the education ecosystem are worthwhile. Aggregate data accumulated over years and from multiple sources can divulge trends and point the way to success for particular groups of students and/or for program evaluation.
- Resources that support Digital Learning - States are striving to support the expansion of technology tools and resources in K12 education through state policies, programs and funding in order to provide digital learning opportunities for all students. To best support states, districts and schools in 2018, SETDA relaunched the Guide to Digital Learning as the Transformative Digital Learning: A Guide to Implementation.
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Get NH Consortium and Pilot Opportunities
Visit the
the NH Partnerships and Projects page for
the latest on special pricing and opportunities for tech tools and resources from educational tech companies!
New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education / NHSTE
NHSTE's mission is to inspire teaching and learning by making connections among people, programs, and resources that build and support the use of technology within the educational community. NHSTE offers professional development in a variety of areas.
Chris Nelson Memorial Grant Program
The mission of the Chris Nelson Memorial Grant Program is to provide educators an opportunity to fund a specific project in their classroom, school, and/or district. Projects to be funded will have a foundation in the use of emerging instructional technologies to assist and enhance content delivery. Learn more.
Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference
New England's largest technology in education conference includes nearly 200 concurrent sessions focusing on the use of technology in all aspects of education. Approximately 125 exhibitors from across the country will showcase their latest products and services. This three-day event is sponsored by the New Hampshire School Administrators Association and the New Hampshire Affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education. Visit the Christa MCAuliffe Technology Conference website for details.