Laptops and Professional Development for Tech Mentor Program

Application Detail Page



Name of District


Budget Description

The application guidance (pp 3-4) describes 11 allowable activities for these funds. Arrange your budget items within the five broad planning categories of Access, Technology Literacy, Professional Development, Community Involvement, and Program Evaluation. You may add an optional brief narrative at the bottom of this document if you feel your descriptions require further explanation.

Column 1: Provide a brief description to justify each item in your requested budget, such as: “the purchase of upgrades to existing computers to increase the numbers of modern computers.”

Column 2: Indicate which schools will receive the services.

Column 3: Your activities must be aligned with goals and objectives in your district technology plan. Include an abbreviated version of the corresponding goal statement from your district technology plan.

Column 4: Indicate which allowable activity aligns with each item requested. If you have more than one item and different activity types within a category, use separate lines for each (add a row to the table).

Column 5: Provide the total for that category. Some categories may not be applicable. Professional development is always applicable for at least 25% of your total allocation.







Planning Category


Budget Item Description

School(s) to Receive Services

Addresses which District Tech Plan Goal?

Aligns to activity # (choose one)


Access to Tech Resources:



1, 2, or 3


3 IBM Thinkpad  R51 Laptops (see description below)


2 at Anytown Elementary

1 at Anytown Middle

Goal of improving access to computers by purchasing additional computers to reach the state recommended 5:1 student-to-computer ratio.



Technology Literacy:



4, 5, or 6


Enter item description here






Professional Development:



7 or 8


Support Technology Mentor Program  (see description below)


1 Facilitator

3 Mentors

3 Trainees

1 Tech Integrator



1 Facilitator

1 Mentor

1 Trainee

3 Tech Integrators

- provide monthly computer skills development classes for members of the educational community


- provide timely, curriculum-specific technology support to individual teachers and departments


7 & 8


Community Involvement:





Enter item description here






Program Evaluation:



10 or 11


Enter item description here






Indirect Cost:










Additional Information


These laptops will be used by mentors and technology integrators to train other staff members in high quality professional development activities designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the technology. These computers increase the number of computers accessible to both staff and students in both buildings. Laptops purchased with previous years’ funds are also used in this program.


Professional development is the main focus of this project. This project continues the support for our Technology Mentor Program. For the duration of this grant this will consist of two Technology Facilitators to oversee the program in each building, four technology mentors and their trainees, and four technology integrators for the district. The forms of professional development are many. Mentors and trainees meet a minimum of twice per month to work on technology skills and their unit projects. Technology integrators work with groups of staff members on special projects and provide short workshops (1 ˝ hr.) on a timely basis in both buildings. Technology Facilitators work with mentors and integrators, assisting them in becoming technology leaders in their grade levels and departments. All participants are required to keep a reflective journal containing a learning log of their activities. They also complete a mid-year and end of year assessment survey. All participants help plan and participate in a Technology Workshop Day in August 2005 for the school district.


(Thanks to Kathy Mahanes for permission to adapt the Pittsfield School District application.)



Tech Leader Conference Stipends with Ongoing Activities

Application Detail Page



Name of District


Budget Description

The application guidance (pp 3-4) describes 11 allowable activities for these funds. Arrange your budget items within the five broad planning categories of Access, Technology Literacy, Professional Development, Community Involvement, and Program Evaluation. You may add an optional brief narrative at the bottom of this document if you feel your descriptions require further explanation.

Column 1: Provide a brief description to justify each item in your requested budget, such as: “the purchase of upgrades to existing computers to increase the numbers of modern computers.”

Column 2: Indicate which schools will receive the services.

Column 3: Your activities must be aligned with goals and objectives in your district technology plan. Include an abbreviated version of the corresponding goal statement from your district technology plan.

Column 4: Indicate which allowable activity aligns with each item requested. If you have more than one item and different activity types within a category, use separate lines for each (add a row to the table).

Column 5: Provide the total for that category. Some categories may not be applicable. Professional development is always applicable for at least 25% of your total allocation.







Planning Category


Budget Item Description

School(s) to Receive Services

Addresses which District Tech Plan Goal?

Aligns to activity # (choose one)


Access to Tech Resources:



1, 2, or 3


Enter item description here






Technology Literacy:



4, 5, or 6


Enter item description here






Professional Development:



7 or 8


Stipends for attending National Educational Computing Conference and implementing follow up lessons and activities in 2005-06

Mytown Middle School

Training & Support 3.1

Effective & engaging software and online resources 4.1.1

7 & 8


Community Involvement:





Enter item description here






Program Evaluation:



10 or 11


Enter item description here






Indirect Cost:









Additional Information


With these funds we will provide stipends to a core group of administrators, classroom teachers and Special Educators who will agree to complete the following professional activities:

§      Attend the National Educational Computing Conference (June 2005)

§      Create a project, based on their experiences at the conference, to implement during the 2005-06 school year. This project must be designed to:

o        have a positive impact on student learning,

o        integrate technologies into curriculum and instruction, and

o        use those technologies to create new learning environments.

§      The projects will be shared with other staff members at the school through workshops, teaming, staff meeting or presentations to specific interest groups.

§      Act as a resource to others who are not a part of the core group in implementation of technology integration.

§      Attend a minimum of 4 follow up sessions through the year to share progress and results with core group.



Tech Plan Goals


Training and Support 3.1

Staff training, like student instruction, will meet a wide range of learning styles and individual needs. Training will include: … Out of District Training - funds will be available for staff members to receive training out of the local district and state and national events.


Effective and engaging software and online resources 4.1.1

Acquire and introduce new software to staff members that supports state and local curriculum frameworks in all subject areas.

Provide out of district opportunities for staff members to preview and evaluate new software through the attendance at state and national technology conferences.



(Thanks to Deb Boivert for permission to adapt the Deerfield School District application.)




Additional computers and teacher training on assessment software

Application Detail Page


Name of District

Budget Description

The application guidance (pp 3-4) describes 11 allowable activities for these funds. Arrange your budget items within the five broad planning categories of Access, Technology Literacy, Professional Development, Community Involvement, and Program Evaluation. You may add an optional brief narrative at the bottom of this document if you feel your descriptions require further explanation.

Column 1: Provide a brief description to justify each item in your requested budget, such as: “the purchase of upgrades to existing computers to increase the numbers of modern computers.”

Column 2: Indicate which schools will receive the services.

Column 3: Your activities must be aligned with goals and objectives in your district technology plan. Include an abbreviated version of the corresponding goal statement from your district technology plan.

Column 4: Indicate which allowable activity aligns with each item requested. If you have more than one item and different activity types within a category, use separate lines for each (add a row to the table).

Column 5: Provide the total for that category. Some categories may not be applicable. Professional development is always applicable for at least 25% of your total allocation.







Planning Category


Budget Item Description

School(s) to Receive Services

Addresses which District Tech Plan Goal?

Aligns to activity # (choose one)


Access to Tech Resources:



1, 2, or 3


Networked multi-media computers to complete existing labs, which will then allow for a complete classroom to have access for: Accelerated Reader, Star Reader, UltraKey, NWEA MAPS testing, Follett Library resources, Internet research, Intel “Teach to the Future” activities.

ABC Elementary School, XYZ Middle School

“to provide in each elementary school, a lab with enough workstations for each school’s largest classroom”



Technology Literacy:



4, 5, or 6


Enter item description here





Professional Development:



7 or 8


Tech mentors stipends to be trained to oversee the above mentioned resources, especially NWEA MAPS testing, which we are implementing this year.

Mytown Middle School

“Integrate emerging technologies into K-12 curriculum, instruction and assessment”

(also a DEIP goal)

7 & 8


Community Involvement:





Enter item description here





Program Evaluation:



10 or 11


Enter item description here





Indirect Cost:









This application adapted from original submitted by Tom Warner, Monadnock Regional School District


Evaluation of professional development effectiveness

Application Detail Page



Name of District


Budget Description

The application guidance (pp 3-4) describes 11 allowable activities for these funds. Arrange your budget items within the five broad planning categories of Access, Technology Literacy, Professional Development, Community Involvement, and Program Evaluation. You may add an optional brief narrative at the bottom of this document if you feel your descriptions require further explanation.

Column 1: Provide a brief description to justify each item in your requested budget, such as: “the purchase of upgrades to existing computers to increase the numbers of modern computers.”

Column 2: Indicate which schools will receive the services.

Column 3: Your activities must be aligned with goals and objectives in your district technology plan. Include an abbreviated version of the corresponding goal statement from your district technology plan.

Column 4: Indicate which allowable activity aligns with each item requested. If you have more than one item and different activity types within a category, use separate lines for each (add a row to the table).

Column 5: Provide the total for that category. Some categories may not be applicable. Professional development is always applicable for at least 25% of your total allocation.







Planning Category


Budget Item Description

School(s) to Receive Services

Addresses which District Tech Plan Goal?

Aligns to activity # (choose one)


Access to Tech Resources:



1, 2, or 3


Enter item description here





Technology Literacy:



4, 5, or 6


Funding for Technology Integration Specialist whose focus would be at the secondary level. Person would work with staff to help with preparation of technology rich educational content.

Secondary Schools with High Schools being primary focus.

Technology will be used in instruction to support learning and prepare students for the 21st century.



Professional Development:



7 or 8


Enter item description here






Community Involvement:





Enter item description here






Program Evaluation:



10 or 11


We have a professional development form used to receive feedback. Teachers who meet with Technology Integration Specialist  have opportunity to write evaluation of their experience (accessibility, usefulness, quality). Also technology integration survey will be periodically circulated for teachers to complete. We also have lessons observed by curriculum content specialist to review effectiveness of technology as instructional tool.

Secondary Schools

The District will adopt an assessment procedure for evaluating staff and student progress.


Included in tech literacy above

Indirect Cost:










(This application adapted from original submitted by Rick Farrenkopf, Nashua School District)