NH Statewide Educational Technology Council
April 2, 2001 Meeting Notes
Members of the Tech Council convened on 04-02-01 to discuss future directions for educational technology efforts in New Hampshire. The agenda included a combination of small and whole group activities to take a look at current NH State Tech Plan goals and the new national goals, to discuss a set of national white papers on the future of technology in education, and to begin to set forth recommendations for revising and disseminating the new NH Tech Plan and for active membership on the Council.
The meeting was facilitated by Tondy Higginbotham, Administrator of the Bureau of Professional Development at the NH Department of Education. The following Tech Council members were in attendance: Mike Alberts, Chrys Bouvier, Chuck Gaides, Dorinda Gibney, Kent Hemingway, Cathy Higgins, Leslie Higgins, Mike Hill, Tony Paradis, Jeannie Poterucha, Wendy Siebrands, Frank Windsor
The following timeline for plan revision and dissemination was agreed upon:
Target Date | Description of Activities |
June 1, 2001 | Distribute meeting notes so members can begin speaking with the stakeholders they represent to gather feedback prior to next meeting |
Post documents to Tech Council website | |
Post summary info on June issue of NHDOE Key Messages to encourage feedback | |
Set up listserv via Plymouth State College | |
June 11, 2001 | Next Tech Council meeting from 9-11 a.m. via GSDLN sites. Focus of this meeting is on the content and format of information to disseminate. |
Sept, 2001 | Draft Tech Plan ready for public comment |
Nov, 2001 | Forum at McAuliffe Conference for public discussion about Tech Plan |
General Discussion: Vision and Implementation
1. Local success includes:
- Access to Internet resources
2. Success needs to be statewide, so that all schools across the state have access, professional development, and community engagement. Ensuring statewide success alleviates the potential for a digital divide within New Hampshire.
3. Dissemination of the plan and the technology resources it promotes means making links to other public and private resources (i.e., NH Historical Society for primary sources, the Annenberg Foundation for funding assistance). The creation of digitally-rich environments, such as the creation of Webster by the NH State Library, and identification of primary source documents can help create a "Digital Foxfire" for New Hampshire.
Alignment of national goals to New Hampshire goals
What follows below is a summary of the Councils discussions about the five new national goals and the white papers that were commissioned to inform the development of the new national plan. The entire national plan, e-Learning: Putting a World Class Education at the Fingertips of All Children, may be found at http://www.ed.gov/Technology/elearning/index.html. The state plan may be found at http://www.nheon.org/oet/#NH State Educational Technology Plan.
National Goal 1: All students and teachers will have access to information technology in classrooms, schools, communities and homes. | Aligns with NH objectives:
members Chrys Bouvier, Mike Alberts, and Frank Windsor reviewed this goal and
discussed the following points:
Council members recommended incorporating this goal into our state plan. |
National Goal 2: All teachers will use technology effectively to help students achieve high academic standards. | Aligns with NH objectives:
members Leslie Higgins, Wendy Siebrands,
and Tony Paradis reviewed this goal and discussed the following points:
Council members recommended incorporating this goal into our state plan. |
National Goal 3: All students will have technology and information literacy skills. | Aligns with NH objectives:
members Kent Hemingway and Chuck Gaides
reviewed this goal and discussed the following points:
Council members recommended incorporating this goal into our state plan. Members also recommended exploring ways to focus the change, such as using the NC model of creating a state science/math/technology school. |
National Goal 4: Research and evaluation will improve the next generation of technology applications for teaching and learning. | Aligns with NH objectives:
Council members
Dorinda Gibney and Mike Hill reviewed this goal and discussed the following points:
Council members felt that, while this goal has potential to provide critical information to the New Hampshire educational community, there may not be adequate resources to fully implement a research and evaluation agenda. As much as possible, various national research resources should be utilized. |
National Goal 5: Digital content and networked applications will transform teaching and learning. | Aligns with NH objectives:
members Cathy Higgins and Jeannie Poterucha
reviewed this goal and discussed the following points:
Council members recommended (a) combining objectives NH 1.4 and 1.5 so the focus is on teaching and learning for administrators, teachers, and students, and (b) using the state plan to highlight the transformation of education due to technology. |