New Hampshire SCHOOL

SCHOOLSCHOOl Technology Survey 2006-07

This survey report is available for download at 

Questions? Send an email to

This survey was administered as an online survey between 1/5/07 and 2/28/07. Requests to complete the survey were sent to all district technology coordinators as well as federal technology grant project managers in New Hampshire. A total of 421 out of 475 (89%) school building surveys were received and analyzed to create this report. (NOTE: Seven responses represented sets of two schools combined in the same building.)


The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE) relies on this survey data to evaluate the extent to which the state and its schools are effectively implementing technology programs and to inform decisions about future grant funding priorities. For questions about this report, contact Cathy Higgins at the NHDOE Office of Educational Technology at or 603-271-2453.


The School Tech Survey contains five sections. A companion DISTRICT tech survey was also conducted.

                                                             - Hardware

THIS REPORT à Connectivity and Networks

                                                             - Service & Support

                                                             - ICT Literacy

                                                             - Professional Development










414 total schools responded (87%)







Technology Access – Connectivity and Networks

Student access

15.  Do you set up student profiles/accounts on your school or district network (i.e., students have access to storage of files over the network)? (If no, skip to #19.)

285 = Yes

124 = No

6 = No response

16.  If so, for which grade spans?


Early Elem

Upper Elem

Middle School

High School





17.  How much storage space do you allow each student?

150 = schools vary storage space from 10 MB to 1 GB

126 = schools don’t limit size of storage for students

135 = no response

18.  Can students access their accounts outside of school (i.e., remote access)?

17 = Yes

310 = No

88 = No response

19.  Does your school allow students to regularly send or receive email through the school network using either school supplied or web based (e.g., hotmail, yahoo) email accounts?

50 = Yes

358 = No

7 = No response

20.  Has your school conducted any surveys to determine the percentage of students with Internet access at home?

61 = Yes

347 = No

7 = No response

21.  If so, what is the percentage of students that have Internet access at home?


* Average home access among the 61 schools that surveyed families

Teacher/staff access

22.  Do you set up teacher profiles/accounts on your school or district network (i.e., teachers have access to file storage over the network)? (If no, skip to #24.)

369 = Yes

41 = No

5 = No response

23.  Can teachers access their file storage accounts outside of school (i.e., remote access)? 

80 = Yes

316 = No

19 = No response

24.  Does your school provide email accounts for all staff? (If no, skip to #27.)

398 = Yes

10 = No

7 = No response

25.  Can teachers access their email accounts outside of school (i.e., remote access)? 

400 = Yes

5 = No

10 = No response

26.  Is there a policy or expectation for teachers to use their school or district email address as a primary school communication tool? (NOTE: The question applies to use of a school or district provided email address, not an email account through hotmail, yahoo, etc.)

341 = Yes

63 = No

11 = No response

27.  Is there a policy or expectation for teachers to maintain a class web page for access by parents and students to homework, etc.?

120 = Yes

289 = No

6 = No response


28. Do teachers in your school indicate that Internet connection speed is adequate for their teaching needs?
(NOTE: If you have it, use locally gathered data to respond to this question. Otherwise, please respond based on general discussions with teachers over the past year.)

332 = Most teachers are satisfied with the current Internet connection speed for planning regular classroom activities that use the Internet.

44 = About half of our teachers are satisfied with the current Internet connection speed for planning regular classroom activities that use the Internet.

35 = Few of our teachers are satisfied with the current Internet connection speed for planning regular classroom activities that use the Internet.

Online Content for Students

Please consult with the school guidance counselor(s) to answer the following questions.

29.  Does your school currently purchase Internet based distance learning content for students as supplementary material to classroom learning (e.g., NetTrekker, etc.)? Please check all that apply.

175 = None

50 = Enchanted Learning

93 = Grolier Online

131 = Nettrekker

35 = PLATO Learning

0 = Other (please specify):

30.  Does your school currently purchase Internet based distance learning courses for students (e.g., Virtual High School, etc.) as alternatives to face to face courses? Please check all that apply.

365 = None

1 = Apex Learning

2 = Christa McAuliffe Academy

2 = Florida Virtual School

27 = Virtual High School (GoVHS)

0 = Other (please specify):

31.  Does your school currently use point to point, two-way, real time video conferencing for distance learning for students (e.g., iChat, Skype, NetMeeting)? Please check all that apply.

366 = None

13 = iChat

3 = NetMeeting

29 = Skype

9 = Other (please specify):

32.  Does your school currently use synchronous, multi-point, real-time video conferencing for distance learning for students (e.g., GSDLN)?  

44 = Yes

360 = No

33.  Are you using a video-on-demand product, such as UnitedStreaming, Atomic Learning, or other? Please check all that apply.

261 = None

56 = Atomic Learning

111 = UnitedStreaming

11 = Other (please specify):


Online Content for Teachers

34.  Does your school currently use Internet based distance learning content (online PD courses) for teachers (e.g., OPEN-NH, Connected University, TeacherLine, etc.)? Please check all that apply.

319 = None

48 = OPEN-NH Courses

44 = Connected University

45 = PBS TeacherLine

14 = Other (please specify):

35.  Does your school currently provide point to point, two-way, real time video conferencing for distance learning for teachers (e.g., iChat, Skype, NetMeeting)? Please check all that apply.

361 = None

12 = iChat

6 = NetMeeting

29 = Skype

6 = Other (please specify):

36.  Does your school currently provide synchronous, multi-point, real-time video conferencing for distance learning for teachers (e.g., GSDLN)?

44 = Yes

366 = No