Excerpts related to technology from the
New Hampshire Education Administrative Rules Adopted 7/1/05


Ed 306.16  Professional Development. 

In accordance with Ed 512:

(a) The local school board shall require:

(1) That each professional and paraeducator staff member improves the content knowledge and teaching skills through participation in professional development activities as described in the district professional development master plan;
(2) That the goals in the professional development master plan align with the district/school improvement goals;
(3) That the professional development master plan guides each professional staff member’s individual professional development plan in its design, implementation, and evaluation; and
(4) The regular assessment and evaluation of the needs, design, implementation, and impact on student learning of professional development activities and programs.

(b) The school administration shall require that:

(1) Each certified educator’s individual professional development plan required under Ed 512.03 is aligned with the professional development master plan;
(2) The professional development activities included in the professional development master plan are designed to improve professional knowledge, as measured in its success in meeting students’ needs and improving students’ learning; and
(3) The professional development activities included in the local professional development master plan under Ed 512.02(d)(10):

a. Are:

1. Student focused;
2. Data driven;
3. Research based;
4. Intensive; and
5. Sustained; and

b. Include:

1. Job-embedded activities;
2. Research;
3. Collaboration;
4. Practice; and
5. Reflection.