Learn about Online Learning
The resources on this page represent a wealth of information about online learning and online learning institutions. The networks and clearinghouses provide free resources and information concerning online learning, best teaching and learning practices, learning objects, and professional development.
Learn About Online Learning
These organizations provide a wealth of information about online and blended learning.
International Association for K-12 Online Learning
The international association for K-12 Online Learning, NACOL is a non-profit organization representing the interests of administrators, practitioners, and students involved in online learning in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Educational Resources at the Illinois Online Network
The Illinois Online Network (ION) has been producing these resources since the early 1990s. Additional links to other exemplary resources are also available.
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship
The Center for Digital Research and Scholarship (CDRS) works with the faculty, students, and staff of Columbia University and its affiliates to increase the utility and impact of their research and scholarship. We offer a plethora of partnership opportunities.
Educause is a nonprofit association and the foremost community of IT leaders and professionals committed to advancing higher education. Educause helps those who lead, manage, and use information technology to shape strategic IT decisions at every level within higher education. IT is more than technology to EDUCAUSE members. It is a system of people, processes, organizations, and challenges that are constantly evolving.

ISTE Online Learning Network
The Online Learning Network supports educators involved with all type of online and distance learning models through various venues for supporting educators, sharing research, international connections and training opportunities.

Online Learning Consortium
The Online Learning Consortium is the leading professional organization devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world.

Research Clearninghouse for K-12 Blended and Online Learning
This Clearinghouse is a collaborative effort led by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) and the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute (MVRLI) to provide a repository of references to research articles and other publications from the field of K-12 online and blended learning. This project has been made possible by generous financial support from Next Generation Learning Challenges and in-kind support from iNACOL and the Michigan Virtual University.