
The following are a collection of resources throughout the web site, grouped by the type of resource. Click on the icon to skip to that section.

Real World Examples



Tools and Templates


Real World Examples

Late Hire orientation program:

Gorham School District’s New Teacher program

Monroe County Florida School district induction program

Promotional web pages for job fairs:
Tucson, Arizona
Santa Clara, County, California

Here are some examples of how school districts use their web site to recruit educators:

Poudre School District

Los Angeles Unified School District

Wichita Public Schools Human Resource Pages (scroll down)

New York City’s Recruitment Web site (Check out the pictures and comments from teachers)

Richland County School District One

St. John's County School District (Includes video recruitment presentations)

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools have put together a package of community and school based incentives for teachers.

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and the Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to create Businesses United for Schools Teacher Appreciation Initiative. See their long list of businesses that offer discounts and specials to teachers.

Henrico County Public Schools has a program to say thank you from area businesses to Henrico County teachers. Teachers are issued a booklet that contains special benefits for full-time classroom teachers

Examples of school district recruitment and retention plans:

Wake County Public School System Recruitment and Retention Plan

A review of the Venus Independent School District's Recruitment Plan

A three year Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy from Bournemouth, UK

The Alamance-Burlington School System in North Carolina had a Board of Education appointed recruitment committee comprised of citizen leaders whose purpose was to study the issues of teacher recruitment and retention and to make recommendations to the Board of Education. Their website chronicles the process, activities and final recommendations of the committee.

An example of how a region in California used existing data to understand educator workforce issues in their area.

Exit Interview Example from Timberlane Regional School District in New Hampshire.

Results from a School Satisfaction survey of staff of Portland, Oregon Schools

Results and recommendations from a teacher satisfaction survey of Warren Township Schools, IL

The reports of the Pleasant Grove Elementary School Recruitment and Retention Committee include outcomes of multiple assessment processes and final recommendations.

An example of how a region in California used existing data to understand
teacher workforce issues in their area.


It’s the principal of the thing! Education World, September 2002.

The aging of America's teachers, Harvard Gazette

Four ways to support new teachers, Principal, September/October 2004 ,

What new teachers value most in principals, NAESP, Januray/February 2004

Interview with Peggy Bryan, principal of a California elementary school about supporting new and experienced teachers, The George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2000.

Aramina Ferrer, New York City's Successful Alternative Route for New Teachers
White House Conference on Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: An account of a principal's experience supporting non-traditionally prepared teachers.

Principals hold key to teacher retention, Education World, 2006

Stroot, S., et al. (1998). Peer assistance and review guidebook: Developmental stages of teachers, Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Education.

Mary C. Clement, Starting a new school year: What every administrator should know, Educational HORIZONS, Summer 2003

The mentor's 13 Jobs: Helping beginning teachers learn to teach, A Better Beginning: Helping New Teachers Survive and Thrive, National Education Association, 1999.

Ellen Moir, Phases of first-year teaching, California New Teacher Project, published by the California Department of Education (CDE), 1990.

Mark Littleton & Pam Littleton, Evolution of a teacher, Inspiring Teachers Publishing, Inc.

Ellen Moir, Listening to the voices of new teachers, New Teacher Center at UCSC.

Stroot, S., et al (1998). Peer assistance and review guidebook. Developmental stages of teachers. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Education.

The great escape, The Christian Science Monitor

M. Mark Wasicsko, The 20-minute hiring assessment:  How to ensure you’re hiring the best by gauging educator dispositions, School Administrator, October 2004.

Paul B. Ash, Everything I need to know of a candidate in 15 minutes: The fifteen minute superintendent interview, School Administrator, January 2001

Landing the "Highly Qualified Teacher" Harvard Education Letter, January/February 2004. How administrators can hire-and keep-the best.

Scott M. Koenigsknecht, Impressions count, School Planning & Management, November 2005. According to a recent study, potential teachers are influenced by their impressions of the educational facilities in which they will be working during the interview process.

Scott M. Koenigsknecht, Stacking the deck during interviews, School Administrator,  June 2006.

Grow your own teachers!, Principal Leadership, May 2002 Jorgenson, Olaf, Moon, Cliff

Jack Crews, Focus: Recruiting teachers from out of state, School Administrator, May 2002

How to write effective job postings, Carla Joinson, American Chemical Society

Writing an effective internet job posting, By Brian Weis, Recruiters Network

How to write effective job posting ads,

Recruit Illinois, Create a niche

Easy ways to market your schools, Education World, 2004.

The ABC list: A public relations tool that's as simple as A-B-C, Education World, 2005

Ed Week, School districts devising new ways to offer teachers affordable housing, By Vaishali HonawarAugust 9, 2006

Benjamin O. Canada, President’s Corner:  A strategic view of recruitment, School Administrator, January 2001

Nicholas I. Clement, Focus:  In search of legendary teachers, School Administrator, January 2006

Recruit Illinois, No vacancies-no interest

Jim O'Laughlin, Recruitment: a comprehensive approach, Leadership, Jan, 2001

Assessing your needs, Recruiting New Teachers, Inc. (RNT)

Teacher recruitment and retention checklist, UK Department for Education and Skills

Richard M. Ingersoll, Holes in the teacher supply bucket, School Administrator, March 2002

Minimize the risks of aimless and unproductive committees , School Administrator,  Sept, 1997  by William M. Powers


NH Department of Education Induction-with-Mentoring Toolkit

Karen Mikkelsen, NERRC Program Associate (and other Authors), Chapter 4 Induction and mentoring programs that work, keeping quality teachers, The Northeast Regional Resource Center, Spring 2005

Annette L. Breaux and Dr. Harry K. Wong, New Teacher Induction: How to Train, Support, and Retain New Teachers (Chapters 5 and 6), Harry K. Wong Publications, Mountain View, CA, 2003

Screening Candidates, a guide from Recruit Illinois

The National Network for the Study of Educator Dispositions web site provides links (down the right side) to papers on assessing attitude and disposition.

There are several instruments on the market such as the Gallup Organization's TeacherInsight™ web-based tool that help assess teacher characteristics.

NH Department of Employment Security's list of illegal questions (Scroll down to chart)

Future Educators Academy is a high school strategy for recruiting quality students into the field of education.

There are 5 distinct paths or alternatives to certification as an educator in the State of New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Department of Education web site outlines the requirements for each.

Troops-to-Teachers provides Referral Assistance and Placement services to military personnel interested in beginning a second career in public education as a teacher. The Troops-to-Teachers office will help applicants identify teacher certification requirements, programs leading to certification and employment opportunities.

Teachers for New Hampshire was created to help increase the pool of teachers in critical shortage subject areas by making it economically feasible through loans for individuals to obtain the education they need to become certified.

Teachers for New Hampshire's web site offers a list of financial assistance available to those pursuing education to become a teacher.

List of New England Newspapers

List of approved New Hampshire professional educator preparation programs is offered by the New Hampshire School Administrators Association (Members)

NH Dept. of Education

NH School Jobs on the NEA – NH web site offers free listings for schools. provides free listings for schools to post educator openings. provides unlimited educator position listings for a yearly membership fee based on school or district size.

The National Center for Special Education Personnel and Related Service Providers (Personnel Center) is conducting a national recruitment campaign to recruit and retain special educators and related service providers.

New Hampshire Professional Educator Preparation Program Job Posting Services (MS Word document)

Recruit Illinois offers guidance on creating a teacher profile for your district

Karen Mikkelsen, NERRC Program Associate (and other Authors), Chapter 5 Promoting Linkages - Partnerships between Schools and Higher Education, Keeping Quality Teachers, Northeast Regional Resource Center, Spring 2005.

The University of Wisconsin Extension Service Logic Model tutorial offers an effective and entertaining overview of developing a logic model for planning a project, whether small or large. This overview can help set the stage for a planning process that can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

The University of Wisconsin Extension Service Logic Model tutorial offers an effective and entertaining overview of logic models for planning or evaluating a project.

Innovation Network provides a list of resource for evaluation.

The UCLA School Management Program's Effective Meetings Produce Results series provides techniques and guidelines to make meetings more productive, set the stage for building community, and accomplis multiple goals and objectives.

Minimize the Risks of Aimless and Unproductive Committees
School Administrator,  Sept, 1997  by William M. Powers

NH data sources:

The NH Department of Education collects and reports on education data including school/SAU information, staffing and salary data, enrollment data and more.

NH Office of Energy and Planning maintains a data library with links to NH Census data, population projections, housing and household data, ethnic data and community profiles.

Resources for Data on Recruitment and Retention:

The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ) is working with school districts to assess, understand and improve teacher working conditions. Teachers are asked questions about time, facilities and resources, empowerment, leadership and professional development -- all shown to have an impact on whether teachers stay in schools and, most importantly, whether students learn.

The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher conducted by Harris Interactive each year since 1984, explores teachers' opinions and attitudes, including factors that affect their job satisfaction.

Resources on collecting data:

Education for the Future's Data Analysis for School Improvement is a guide for collecting, analyzing, and presenting data.

Innovation Network provides a list of resources on data collection, including survey and questionnaire development, interviews, and focus groups.

NH Department of Education Professional Development links:

Professional Development Master Plan Toolkit
Professional Development Master Plan Rubric/Review Template
Ed 512, Staff Development And Recertification
Frequently asked questions regarding Ed 512

NHEON (NH Educators Online)- An Educator's Resource for Curriculum Planning and Professional Development

NH's Local Educational Support Center Network provides high quality training opportunities to empower educators and show a positive correlation to student achievement. Here are the regional centers:

Capital Area Center for Educational Support
Greater Manchester Professional Development Center
Seacoast Professional Development Center
Southwestern NH Education Support Center
North Country Education Services
Sugar River Professional Development Center

The Teacher Working Conditions Toolkit includes recommendations and strategies to empower community members, teachers, principals, administrators and policymakers to improve teacher working conditions, including time, facilities and resources, empowerment, leadership and professional development, all shown to have an impact on whether teachers stay and students learn. 

The National Staff Development Council offers a selection of resources that will help explore the issue of time and learn strategies to use time to serve improvement efforts and to help with teacher learning.

NH Department of Education Paths to Certification

Teach for America
Teacher recruitment program aimed at recruiting outstanding and diverse recent college graduates. The participants commit to two years of teaching in under-served urban and rural public schools.

Troops to Teachers
A referral assistance and placement service for military personnel interested in beginning a second career as a teacher.

Project Across
A three-year initiative designed to enhance the skills of candidates from the state of New Hampshire hired to fill positions in certain high-need and critically shortage areas.

List of approved New Hampshire collegiate programs of preparation for the education profession

The NH Department of Education collects and reports on education data including school/SAU information, staffing and salary data, enrollment data and more.

NH Office of Energy and Planning maintains a data library with links to NH Census data, population projections, housing and household data, ethnic data and community profiles.

The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ) is working with school districts to assess, understand and improve teacher working conditions. Teachers are asked questions about time, facilities and resources, empowerment, leadership and professional development -- all shown to have an impact on whether teachers stay in schools and, most importantly, whether students learn.

The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher conducted by Harris Interactive each year since 1984, explores teachers' opinions and attitudes, including about factors that affect their job satisfaction.

Education for the Future's Data Analysis for School Improvement is a guide for collecting, analyzing, and presenting data.

The UCLA School Management Program's Effective Meetings Produce Results series provides techniques and guidelines to make meetings more productive, set the stage for building community, and accomplishing multiple goals and objectives.

The University of Wisconsin Extentsion Service Logic Model tutorial offers an effective and entertaining overview of developing a logic model for planning a project, whether small or large. This overview can help set the stage for a planning process that can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Innovation Network provides a list of resource for evaluation.

Innovation Network's Evaluation Plan Builder transfers key data from the Logic Model Builder and moves from goal-setting to identification of evaluation questions, indicators, and data collection strategies for evaluating program outcomes and implementation. You must register to use these free tools.

Tools and Templates

The following are sample checklists to ensure that new educators have been introduced to everyone they need to know and have accest to all important information:

New Teacher Packet Checklist Template

Induction Checklist from Des Moines Public Schools

Orientation Checklist from Cobb County School District

Screening and Hiring Planning Checklist

List of interview questions

List of questions candidates may ask you

Recruitment Checklist

Sample Teacher Profile from Recruit Illinois

Inventory of Strengths of Your School District as a Place to Work and Teach

Eleven Ways to Improve your Website for Recruiting Educators

Western Oregon University offers a template for a district marketing brochure

A simple template for planning (MS Word document)

Blank logic model templates in MS Word, MS Excel and Adobe Acrobat

Innovation Network's Logic Model Builder is an interactive step-by-step on-line guide for articulating and connecting organizational or program goals, resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes. This powerful tool also allows collaborative on-line interaction among team members. Register to use this free tool.

Innovation Network's Logic Model Builder is an interactive step-by-step on-line guide for articulating and connecting organizational or program goals, resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes. This powerful tool also allows collaborative on-line interaction among team members. The Evaluation Plan Builder transfers key data from the Logic Model Builder and moves from goal-setting to identification of evaluation questions, indicators, and data collection strategies for evaluating program outcomes and implementation. Register to use these free tools.

Recruitment Team Planning Worksheet: A template to help determine who should be on a Recruitment and Retention Team.

Tips for Developing a Recruitment & Retention Team: An overview of considerations for developing a team

Sample Exit Interview Questions

On-line survey providers, like Survey Monkey or Zoomerang, provide low cost or free on-line surveys that make it easy to create and launch surveys.

Recruitment & Retention Assessment Tool: a tool to assist assessment of multiple aspects of recruitment and retention to help determine what other information is needed and to help prioritize efforts.

Devlin, B. (1997). A new vision for staff development. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and National Staff Development Council. (Book) Link to review:

Joan Richardson, Think outside the clock: Create time for professional learning, Tools for Schools, August/September 2002

Diane Curtis, Treating Teachers as Professionals, The George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2001

Schools Bring Professional Development In-House, Education World, 2005

A list of activities that can support job-embedded professional development

Teacher Training: Is Your Staff Development Program Working?, Education World, 2005

Recruitment & Retention Assessment Tool

On-line survey providers, like Survey Monkey or Zoomerang, provide low cost or free on-line surveys that make it easy to create and launch surveys. Zoomerang has customizable templates that include employee satisfaction surveys and exit interviews.

Recruitment Team Planning Worksheet -A template to help determine who should be on a Recruitment and Retention Team

Tips for Developing a Recruitment & Retention Team-An overview of considerations for developing a team

A simple template for planning (MS Word document)

Blank logic model templates in MS Word, MS Excel and Adobe Acrobat

Innovation Network's Logic Model Builder is an interactive step-by-step on-line guide for articulating and connecting organizational or program goals, resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes. This powerful tool also allows collaborative on-line interaction among team members. Register to use this free tool.





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