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New Hampshire Learning Interchange Exhibit Review Rubric




3 = Ready for Approval


2 = Needs Minor Modifications


1 = Needs Major Modifications


Exhibit Review Process:

1.     Send an email to  when you are ready for your exhibit to be reviewed.

2.     The NH Learning Interchange team will use this rubric to rate your exhibit and complete comments for criterion needing modifications.

3.     The team will send you a copy of your review when completed.

4.     Make modifications to your exhibit as appropriate and submit your exhibit for final approval through the builder.


Using the Rubric for self-review:

1.     It will be helpful if you self-review exhibits submitted by your organization using this rubric before we do.

2.     Read the bulleted details for each criterion listed below.

3.     Determine whether the exhibit is ready for approval (3), needs minor modifications (2), or needs major modifications (1) for each of the criterion.

4.     Input the appropriate rating for each criterion.

5.     For each criterion that receives a rating of 2 or 1, write clear explanations of recommended improvements to the exhibit in the comments section.




Exhibit Criteria




Overall Exhibit Story

•          Exhibit helps to “ignite conversation, imagination, and improvement in education.”

•          Exhibit tells a complete story of the selected exhibit type.

•          Exhibit will be useful to many educators.

•          Exhibit tells an adequate story of the selected exhibit type.

•          Exhibit will be useful to some educators.

•          Exhibit does not tell an adequate story of the selected exhibit type.

•          Exhibit will not be useful to many educators.




Exhibit Components

•          Exhibit contains an extensive variety of components.

•          All components provide a broad range of assets.

•          All components are ordered and structured in a logical fashion.

•          Exhibit contains an adequate variety of components.

•          Some components provide a broad range of assets.

•          Some components are ordered and structured in a logical fashion.

•          Exhibit contains a minimal number of components.

•          Some components do not provide a broad range of assets.

•          Some components are not ordered and structured in a logical fashion.





Exhibit Criteria




Exhibit Assets

•          Exhibit includes a wide variety of assets including video, web links, PDFs, and other application files.

•          Video and audio are high quality and easy to view and/or hear.

•          All video assets are 5mb or smaller and 2.5 minutes or less.

•          No assets contain any materials that appear to be copyrighted (music, voices, etc.).*

•          Exhibit includes an adequate variety of assets.

•          Video and audio are of adequate quality.

•          Most video assets are 5mb or smaller and 2.5 minutes or less.

•          Some assets contain materials that appear to be copyrighted (music, voices, etc.).*

•          Exhibit includes a limited variety of assets.

•          Video and audio are difficult to view and/or hear.

•          Many video assets are larger than 5mb or longer than 2.5 minutes.

•          Many assets contain materials that appear to be copyrighted (music, voices, etc.).*




Exhibit Information

•          Exhibit title is interesting and describes the exhibit well.

•          Exhibit summary is clearly written.

•          All exhibit classifiers match the story.

•          Author’s email address is included and linked.

•          A quality image has been included for the Organization logo.

•          Exhibit title conflicts with the language of the exhibit type or the component type.

•          Exhibit summary is adequately written.

•          Some exhibit classifiers match the story.

•          Author’s email address is included but not linked.

•          An image has been included for the Organization logo.

•          Exhibit title does not convey the content of the exhibit.

•          Exhibit summary is too long, too short, or written poorly.

•          Exhibit classifiers do not match the content of the exhibit.

•          Author’s email address is not included.

•          An image has not been included for the Organization logo.




Exhibit Criteria





•          Exhibit showcases the use of various technology tools.

•          Exhibit shows integrated uses of many technologies.

•          Exhibit is correlated to technology standards.

•          Exhibit showcases the use of one or more technology tools.

•          Exhibit shows integrated uses of some technologies.

•          Exhibit is correlated to technology standards.

•          Exhibit does not showcase the use of any technology tools.

•          Exhibit shows isolated uses of technologies.

•          Exhibit is not correlated to technology standards.




Punctuation, Grammar, Style, Links

•          All spelling is correct.

•          All grammar is acceptable.

•          All text is written in a clear and descriptive style.

•          All links are live.

•          Most spelling is correct.

•          Most grammar is acceptable.

•          Most text is written in a clear and descriptive style.

•          Most links are live.

•          There are many spelling errors.

•          There are many grammatical errors.

•          Text is not written clearly or is not descriptive.

•          Many links are broken.





*No exhibit will be approved for publication on the New Hampshire Learning Interchange unless all copyrighted materials appearing in the exhibit are owned by the exhibitor and exhibit creators have submitted appropriate release forms.


* All video and graphic assets should be verified to meet exhibit media specifications.