9/27, 10/4,
& 11/1
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
GMPDC in Manchester
This session
is full
NCES in Gorham
Session completed
Portfolio 101: Implementation
Strategies for Digital Portfolios
Dr. David Niguidula and team from Ideas Consulting, Inc.
with support from LESCN and NHDOE staff
This is a 3-day series. Plan to
attend all 3 days.
9/28, 10/5,
& 11/2
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
CACES in Penacook
session is full
SWPDC in Keene
Session completed
Portfolio 101: Implementation
Strategies for Digital Portfolios
Dr. David Niguidula and team from Ideas Consulting, Inc.
with support from LESCN and NHDOE staff
This is a 3-day series. Plan to
attend all 3 days.
1/11, 1/18,
& 3/7
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
GMPDC in Manchester
Seats available
Portfolio 101: Implementation
Strategies for Digital Portfolios
Dr. David Niguidula and team from Ideas Consulting, Inc.
with support from LESCN and NHDOE staff
This is a 3-day series. Plan to
attend all 3 days.
Day 1: Getting Started
What is a digital portfolio anyway? Teams will look at
sample portfolios and the “essential questions” of portfolio implementation.
Teams will also review the ICT literacy standards, current rubrics, and
implementation plans in use in NH schools. Participants will be able to work
on specific plans for their schools, including defining tasks / projects that
will go into the portfolio and defining the quality of artifacts. This
session includes hands-on time with multiple portfolio software solutions
(including Moodle, Adobe Acrobat, and Richer
Picture); if your school has selected these or a different solution, you will
be able to use that software during the session.
Day 2: Implementing Portfolios
Without Going Crazy
This session focuses on how portfolios can be integrated
into what is already happening in your classrooms. Teams will focus on assessment (giving feedback about
individual artifacts; tracking progress of students towards standards and
personal goals), and logistics
(strategies for finding time and space to implement portfolios; developing
plans for collecting work from all disciplines). After this session, teams
will be expected to have a small set of students create a portfolio entry.
Day 3: What Do Portfolios Tell
Between Days 2 and 3, participants will have an initial
set of students enter work into a portfolio. Teams will review the sample
work using common rubrics; help establish a consistent message about what it
means to “meet standard”; and show how students can express their individual
growth as a learner. By the end, teams will review and revise their
implementation plans for ongoing portfolio work. The focus of this session is
on using existing available rubrics. For assistance with the creation of
rubrics, see session 12 “Creating School-wide Rubrics.”
& 11/16
9AM to 4PM
SPDC in Exeter
Session completed
Portfolio Planning with Helen
Dr. Helen Barrett
This is a two day series focused on developing an
understanding of e-portfolios and their uses; developing a shared philosophy
for e-portfolios; and an implementation plan. Participants will be provided
with a login to a Moodle course area to access
session materials.
11/15/07 & 1/23/08
9AM to 4PM
SRPDC in Claremont
Seats available
Portfolio Planning with Helen
Dr. Helen Barrett
This is a two day series focused on developing an
understanding of e-portfolios and their uses; developing a shared philosophy
for e-portfolios; and an implementation plan. Participants will be provided
with a login to a Moodle course area to access
session materials.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
CACES in Penacook
Session completed
Creating School-wide Rubrics
Dr. David Niguidula and team
Teams will develop a common language for deciding what
work meets ICT literacy and content standards. Teams will review samples of
school-wide rubrics and work towards a consensus to develop common rubrics
while examining how schools can use data to revise rubrics over time.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
NCES in Gorham
Session completed
Creating School-wide Rubrics
Dr. David Niguidula and team
Teams will develop a common language for deciding what
work meets ICT literacy and content standards. Teams will review samples of
school-wide rubrics and work towards a consensus to develop common rubrics
while examining how schools can use data to revise rubrics over time.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
GMPDC in Manchester
Seats available
Creating School-wide Rubrics
Dr. David Niguidula and team
Teams will develop a common language for deciding what
work meets ICT literacy and content standards. Teams will review samples of
school-wide rubrics and work towards a consensus to develop common rubrics
while examining how schools can use data to revise rubrics over time.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
GMPDC in Manchester
Using Portfolios for
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Dr. David Niguidula
A common use for elementary portfolios is to help
parents better understand their children's progress. Teams will look at
collecting and selecting information for this important audience and how
portfolios can help create better communication between home and school.
1/24 – 1/25/08
9AM to 4PM
SPDC in Exeter
Seats available
SRPDC in Claremont
Seats available
Reflection in ePortfolios with Digital Storytelling
Dr. Helen Barrett
This is a 2-day series. The ancient art of storytelling
is a powerful tool for deep learning and reflection. Add today’s multimedia
technology and you have a highly motivating project-based learning activity
as well as a powerful reflective artifact in an electronic portfolio. In this
hands-on workshop, participants will learn basic strategies for digital
storytelling using a low-end digital video editing program for Macintosh or
Windows XP. Participants will write a short reflection, audio record that
reflection, and then illustrate their narration with visual images. Learn how
to use highly-motivating multimedia tools to engage students in reflection on
their own learning and growth over time.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
SRPDC in Claremont
Portfolios and Curriculum
Dr. David Niguidula
Digital portfolios can connect very closely to the
process of curriculum mapping. Both systems focus on linking to standards. A
curriculum map allows teachers to look at their year-long patterns; a digital
portfolio allows students to connect their work to school expectations. Teams
will explore how the two processes are complementary and feed on each other.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
SWPDC in Keene
Reviewing Portfolios as a Whole
Dr. David Niguidula
The power of portfolios comes in the ability to look at
a student's body of work as a whole. Teams will look at how students can
select pieces for an end-of-year review, prompts for overall reflections and
rubrics for assessment. Teams will also look at samples from multiple
schools, and discuss the logistics of reviewing work throughout the year.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
GMPDC in Manchester
Rescheduled due to snow date to 4/11/08
Making Decisions Based on
Portfolio Data
Dr. David Niguidula
Portfolio software can provide a new type of data-driven
decision making. Rather than just disaggregating test score data, teachers
can analyze the data from the scoring of online rubrics, and look for
patterns in student data. Portfolio software in use or being considered for
use by attending teams will be examined in this workshop to better understand
how the software can help teachers find and analyze the data most useful for
every day practice.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
GMPDC in Manchester
Session also includes content from 3/28/08
Using Portfolios to Support
NEASC Accreditation
Dr. David Niguidula
In the NEASC process, teams examine their mission and
the academic, civic, and social expectations for all students. This session
shows how schools have used digital portfolios to link student and teacher
work to the school’s mission and expectations. Teams will see how schools
have prepared benchmark performances for site visits and analyzed the data as
a part of the ongoing self-study. Participants will learn strategies to help
them with their own self-study and site visit preparation.