Activities, and Expectations
TLC offers a high quality professional development
experience in support of emerging technologies and innovative approaches. TLC
teachers and principals will explore resources and approaches for creating
21st century learning environments which combine face to face learning with
online learning:
For teachers:
Stipends - Each Teacher Leader will receive a stipend of $2,000 to
support their full involvement in TLC activities. Schools are expected to
cover the cost of any substitutes that might be needed throughout the year,
as their in-kind support for this grant program.
TLC Online
- A significant portion of the program is conducted online using an OPEN NH
course workspace for common discussions and resources. The TLC Consortium
grants will cover registration to use and maintain the online course space
during the winter, spring, and summer 2010 sessions. In December, teachers
will receive login instructions for the TLC Workspace and will be expected to
participate in the online activities from January through August 2010. All
TLC teachers will be required to regularly access the course for monthly
themes and ongoing discussions. Teachers should expect to spend 2 hours per
week of online engagement. The number of hours online is largely dependent on
the extent to which teachers explore resources provided within each monthly
theme. TLCers are expected to login to the TLC online workspace at least
twice each week during the designated discussion weeks, posting an original
substantive message on the weekly topic and responding to two other
participants (average 3-6 hours per month from January through August). All
four TLC groups will be enrolled in the same online course with a lead
facilitator (Susan Kessler) and selected online discussion mentors.
One free OPEN
NH Course - Additionally, the TLC grant offers each teacher a seat
in one OPEN NH course of their choice from a selection of all content areas
and several pedagogical themes. OPEN NH courses are facilitated by NH
educators, designed by NH educators, and customized to meet the needs of NH
schools and educators. Courses include several content areas and
instructional topics. Some courses were developed by a national partnership,
while others were developed and customized to meet specific needs in New
Sessions at
LESCN Sites – PD Centers will schedule a total of approximately 24
- 32 hours of face to face sessions at the centers for TLC teachers. Centers
are encouraged to work with their group to schedule after school sessions, if
possible, to minimize the need for substitutes. The face to face sessions
will include 6-8 modules from the Intel Teach “Thinking with Technology”
program, as well as other topics to meet the needs of the group, such as
hands-on activities with iTouches and interactive whiteboards. The Intel
course provides professional development to teachers to learn strategies for
addressing and assessing thinking skills and using technology to support
deeper understanding of core content. The goal is for teachers to leave the
course with a standards-based unit plan, support materials, and
implementation strategies to improve and assess students' higher-order
thinking with the use of free online tools. For more information about this program,
For principals:
Classroom Observation App – The TLC grant will cover the cost of a
yearly subscription for the LoTi Observer or other such app. Although this
tool is recommended because NH schools are accustomed to using the LoTi
survey, other alternatives can be considered. As a statewide program, it is
expected that all principals will use the same observer tool. This
conversation is expected to take place with all four principal groups during
January and February.
Intel Teach
Leadership Forum – Principals are expected to attend this 4-hour
face-to-face professional development session focusing on the importance of
leadership in promoting, supporting, and modeling the use of technology in
instruction. Through the forum, participants explore relevant research and
behaviors related to supporting effective technology integration and
associated professional development. The TLC program anticipates sponsoring
at least four Intel forums. The first one is scheduled for the morning of
January 13, 2010 at the Greater Manchester Professional Development Center.
Additional Intel forums will be scheduled by the PD Centers. Principals need
only attend one 4-hour Intel forum. For more information about this program,
Principals are expected to attend the initial TLC
meeting held by the consortium lead; provide ongoing support and
encouragement to teacher leaders; utilize an iTouch classroom observation
application (apps) as well as other apps in order to become more familiar
with educational uses for handheld devices; and attend the 21st Century
Learner event (spring 2010), one day at the Christa McAuliffe Technology
Conference (December 2009), Intel Leadership Forum, and up to 6 other after
school or online sessions for participating principals.
For both teachers and principals:
Spring Event
Registration – The TLC grant covers registration for each TLC
teacher and principal to attend the 21st Century Learner event hosted by
LESCN on 4/1/2010 in Meredith, NH. See
This is a “not to be missed” event!
Registration – The Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference is an
annual event in Nashua, NH each year during the week after Thanksgiving. This
is a significant event, widely attended with exceptional keynotes and
numerous special features. The TLC grant covers registration for each TLC
teacher and principal for one day of registration at this event.
Handheld Device
– The TLC grant provides each TLC teacher and principal with an iPod Touch
for the duration of the grant period, along with a case for the device and
gift card to purchase additional iTouch apps. PD Centers are responsible for
distributing the iTouches soon after the equipment order has arrived and can
be inventoried. TLCers will be asked to sign a program agreement when they
receive their iTouch. The intent is to provide iTouches to all participants
before the school break in December. The iTouch provides tech leaders with
the opportunity to explore multiple uses for this digital device. Hands-on
activities will be offered periodically during the TLC grant period, and the
TLC Online Course will include additional content and discussions regarding
educational uses for the iTouch.
Evaluation of
Impact – Since the TLC program is funded by the Enhancing
Education Through Technology Program (NCLB Title II-D), it is important to
evaluate the impact the program has on the professional growth of TLC
teachers and principals. A modest amount of evaluation is planned, such as
online surveys and a few interviews and focus group sessions. When the
evaluation plan is finalized in January, TLCers will be notified if they can
expect any additional evaluation activities.
Project New
Media Literacies – This research initiative originated within
MIT's Comparative Media Studies program. NML explores how we might best equip
young people with the social skills and cultural competencies required to
become full participants in an emergent media landscape and raise public
understanding about what it means to be literate in a globally
interconnected, multicultural world. Eight TLC teachers will be part of the
NML Early Adopters Working Group. This group will help guide the growth of
the NML online community in New Hampshire, inviting many other educators to
join the online community over time. All NH teachers and principals (even
beyond TLC) will be able to participate in using the NML resources and online
activities. They will learn about the framework of social skills and cultural
competencies which shape the work of Project NML, and look more closely at
learning through such cultural phenomenon as computer game guilds, YouTube
video production, Wikipedia, fan fiction, Second Life and other virtual
worlds, music remixing, and social network sites. New curricular materials
which have emerged from Project New Media Literacies, Global Kids, Harvard’s
GoodPlay Project, Common Sense Media, the George Lucas Foundation, and other
projects will be examined to identify ways to introduce these skills into
contemporary educational practices and take the material, information, and
methods back into their classroom.
For NML Early Adopters:
Early Adopters
- Each consortium has one or more tech leaders who have applied to
participate in the New Media Literacies “Early Adopter Working Group.” Early
adopters should plan to spend an estimated 1-2 hours per week from January
through August on NML activities. These participants would attend monthly
webinars from January through August to brainstorm on a monthly theme
relevant to participating schools. Themes will vary and could range from
digital media and ethics to exploring Wikipedia to citing examples of
effective blended learning. These teacher leaders will then be able to engage
other NH teachers in the NML online community as well as implement activities
in their own classrooms.