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Division of Instruction
NHEON > Office of Educational Technology >Surveys > Student Survey

Released 09-22-2010

(One NHDOE condition of district acceptance of federal Title II-D grants in 2009-10 was that districts use the evaluation instruments provided. This survey is one of those instruments.)


Before distributing the EETT Student Survey, please read all of the information on this page.

Please note there are two versions of the survey, and teachers will need to select the one that is appropriate for their students to use:

  • One version is for students in the experimental/treatment group (those in classrooms which received the new technology).
  • Another version is for students in the control/comparison group (classrooms not receiving the technology).
  • If a teacher is implementing the technology in some of their classes and not all classes, they would use BOTH versions of the survey (i.e., use the treatment version for classes with the new technology and the control version for classes not using the technology).
  • The questions across the two surveys are the same. Since we needed a way to break out responses by group, we felt the teachers selecting the appropriate survey for their students to use would be more reliable than the students self-reporting this information. In addition, each version of the survey is in two formats, online and hard copy.
  • It is recommended that students use the online version, if at all possible. If using the hard copy instead of the online, please mail all hard copy surveys and parental consent forms to Hezel Associates to the following address:

    Hezel Associates
    Attn: Rachel King Gibson
    731 James St. Suite 300
    Syracuse, NY 13203

  • In regards to timeline, we are aware that fall NECAP testing is right around the corner, and would recommend that teachers distribute the surveys prior to NECAP testing. As a reminder, the surveys should be distributed school-wide, and in order for any student response to be included in the final dataset, a parent consent form must be completed (and permission granted). Hezel Associates can not consider the inclusion of any surveys without a completed parent consent form.
Survey Version
URL to Online Survey
PDF for Download

Link to Treatment / Experimental Student Survey

Control/Comparison: Link to Control / Comparison Student Survey


Don't forget to download the Parent Consent Form.

Questions? Contact Rachael by phone or email:

Rachel King Gibson, Research Analyst
Hezel Associates, LLC
Research – Evaluation – Strategy
731 James St., Suite 300
Syracuse, NY 13203
315-422-3512, ext. 216


Last updated: May 4, 2011