Partner Showcase
Thinking Maps® and Transition
Students will come to know themselves by reflecting on characteristics that prepare them for the world of work by completing Thinking Maps® in the Transition Portfolios.
Learning Objectives:
To self reflect on adjectives that describe them. To examine the frame from which the adjectives are generated. MaterialsTransition Portfolios, Paper, Pencil, Adjective Bank (developed in a previous activity), Thinking Map® software.
Components of the Lesson:
- Distribute paper and pencil to each student and ask them to put his/her name in the center circle
- Ask students to consider traits that people may or may not know about them. Ask what characteristics define who they are, and consider the actions and emotions that help them consider how they may describe themselves.
- Direct students to a bank of adjectives and to then place these adjectives in circles surrounding their names.
- Ask students to review their traits and consider the events, people or background that has led them to choose the adjectives that they chose.
- Direct students to draw a frame around the map and write within the frame the experiences or people that influenced their specific traits.
- Have students review their "Bubble Maps" and generate a paragraph or a list of sentences that describes them.
NETS standards
“2b. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology by applying current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.”
NH State framework
“Students will understand the relationship between individual qualities, education and training, and the world of work.”