January 2004
Braving the first major snowstorm of winter in early December,
Dan Cherry and Jeff Spiegel spent sixty hours on interstate
highways and two airlines while Charles Misakos and Christy
Hammer sat in a plane on a runway for a flight that was eventually
cancelled. They were all attempting to reach New Orleans
for the annual National Staff Development Conference. Dan
and Jeff finally got to their destination. Their presentation
highlighting the NHSALT project as job embedded professional
development for school leaders was well received by participants.
Demonstrating the LoTI as an innovative tool for assessing
technology implementation and higher order thinking skill
development, the workshop illustrated the integration of
the three NHSALT project themes: instructional leadership,
technology, and change. School administrators attending the
presentation were particularly impressed with the comprehensive
nature of the NHSALT project as it related to best practices
in leadership development through applied and experiential
learning. One superintendent summed up the daylong presentation
this way: “Today for me was like putting together
a puzzle. A puzzle that I had put together one way and found
out the puzzle could be put together in a new and really
a better way; namely, curriculum driving technology, not
technology as a separate curriculum.”