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III. ACTION PLAN:    A. Technology Access    B. ICT Literacy    C. Professional Development    D. Community Involvement     [Data]

ICT Literacy Toolkit
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Effective Projects Case Study


ICT Literacy Portfolio Assessment at Plymouth School District


This is a story about a project that started 12/31/2006.

For more information, please contact: Peter Hutchins at


Students used technology to develop 21st century knowledge skills, such as online research, problem solving, interpersonal communication and collaboration, and technology fluency to ensure that learning was applied authentically and measured through ICT literacy portfolio assessment.


Funding: This project was supported by $10,000 from NCLB Title II-D (Educational Technology) and $0 in local funds. The project illustrates how federal funding supports “Technology literacy for all students - Implementing systemic changes through robust curriculum integration with technology (includes student work with digital tools, distance learning courses, etc.).” The project addressed the following grades and content areas: 

   Gr6-8    EngLangArts  Math  Science  SocSt  TheArts 


The Setting: Plymouth Elementary School serves the town of Plymouth, New Hampshire. Plymouth is an accessible community in the very heart of New Hampshire’s lakes and mountains. Plymouth is centrally located in the state of New Hampshire. Interstate 93 runs on the eastern border of the town. U.S. Route 25 travels through the center of the town. Plymouth is a progressive community, rich in history and tradition. Plymouth attracts community-minded people and is committed to providing an excellent education for its population.  The population in Plymouth consists of 3000 residents. Plymouth Elementary School is a K-8 school system with an enrollment of 480 students. Plymouth Elementary School is a modern facility with a professional staff of 50 and a support staff of 24. The school community is equipped to continue its tradition of academic excellence while promoting a healthy and safe learning environment for all.


The plot: Develop and maintain an informational and technological system that enables a community of learners to develop to their potential and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to contribute to their community and growing global society. We believe that we need to prepare students for a growing global economy. The structure of society is rapidly changing to include electronic information technology. We must act quickly to prepare our children to participate in the technologically advancing world.


The teachers: 16 teachers were directly involved. The middle school teachers within the core content areas were directly involved in working with the technology educator and library media specialist in this project. Portfolio contents helped teachers determine future instructional strategies and content and showcased their student’s work within the content areas.


The students: ICT literacy is the ability to use technology to develop 21st century content knowledge and skill in the context of learning core subjects. Students were able to use technology to learn content and skills — so that they know how to learn, think critically, solve problems, use information, communicate, innovate and collaborate. This project integrated student goals with the ICT portfolio to reflect ongoing student growth. The contents of the portfolio were organized by ICT components, then within the components by grade level groups (grades 6-8). Within each grade level grouping, artifacts were linked to reflections and assessment tools.


The data: The data collected involved the analysis of each 8th grader’s electronic portfolio. Competencies were demonstrated by the collection of their artifacts and assessments.


The difference: Student achievement gains included dynamic documents (electronic portfolios) reflecting students’ growth and information instruction which displayed their understanding of the application of technology in core subjects. Project impact: The personal involvement of the 8th graders electronic portfolio into their 9th grade high school electronic portfolio experiences.


Essential conditions: Active listening—helping others voice their thinking through team dialogue.


Changes for the future: We would engage other elementary schools in discussion through online communication. We would communicate with multiple constituencies the purposed and importance of electronic portfolios. We would involve more stakeholders.


Recommendations: Reflect on school and classroom policies and practices with an open mind and draw conclusions and implications based on data gathered.


Telling our story: The impact of this project has been shared with the high school through electronic portfolio process.


Documents to share:  N/A