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III. ACTION PLAN:    A. Technology Access    B. ICT Literacy    C. Professional Development    D. Community Involvement     [Data]

ICT Literacy Toolkit
toolkit icon
1. Standards
2. Research
3. Case Studies
4. ePortfolio Support
5. Presentations
6. More Resources
ePortfolio Support

new iconLook here! There's a draft set of common rubrics for assessing digital portfolios!!!

Digital portfolios at the K-8 and 9-12 levels are ideal demonstrations of competence, as they can show how students competently use technology tools and resources within the context of core content areas.

Grades K through 8 - The ideal ICT Literacy Program in grades K-8 weaves technology experiences into all content areas and all grade levels, so that a student can demonstrate ICT competency at the end of 8th grade. In order to meet New Hampshire’s ICT standards, schools which currently provide a middle school course in computer literacy should review their course requirements to ensure that assessment rubrics applied to digital portfolios are being used. Such courses should not be considered stand alone courses, but rather opportunities to support content instruction with technology rich experiences.

High School - The ideal ICT Literacy Program in high school provides courses which allow students to focus on information and communication technology experiences that match their career aspirations. High school courses should be reviewed to ensure that topics listed in 306.42(c) are addressed and that a prerequisite for such courses is the completion of a digital portfolio as required in 306.42(a)(5).

Portfolio implementation Resources

pdf  Portfolio Cube Graphic - Depicts portfolio components as described in the standards and includes references to the original National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-S) as well as the newer national standards (NETS Refresh).

word  Developing K-8 Portfolio Requirements - This document can help districts plan out which artifacts they will require for student portfolios, starting from a look at their existing curricula.

pdf  Bow High School ICT Implementation - This brochure was developed by the staff at Bow High School (Bow, NH) to describe to students how they could meet the ICT Literacy requirements. To prepare this information, teachers first looked at their high school courses and identified assignments within their courses that could qualify as potential portfolio artifacts. This way, students know which artifacts they can or cannot choose when assembling their portfolios.


Policies and Curriculum Materials

pdf  District Policy for ICT Literacy Program - This sample policy was developed by SAU 16 (Exeter).

pdf  Derry Computer and Technology Curriculum - Includes NETS-S skills, perfomance indicators, and mastery levels for each skill. Refers to new standards and the need for student work to be assembled in portfolios per the new standards. - This curriculum was developed by the Derry Cooperative School District.

pdf  Merrimack School District Technology Plan includes a set of Student Technology Benchmarks and an Information Literacy Skills Continuum within their Plan Appendices which they use as the basis of their technology literacy efforts.

html  Technology Literacy Skills and Assessment Tools - This site, developed by the Sanborn Regional School District, contains skills lists, assessment rubrics, and teacher reference sheets for each grade range.

pdf  Information Literacy Lesson Planning Template - This template, developed by the Sanborn Regional School District, is geared for grades 6-8 information literacy skills.

pdf  Child Development Chart - This document, available on the Sanborn Regional School District site and originating from the Nebraska Department of Education, is a good reminder as schools plan student experiences in ICT literacy at "developmentally appropriate levels."

Assessment of Individual Artifacts

word  Vermont Model Performance Task Example for Grade 8

pdf  Rubric for Individual Project - A sample from Bellingham Schools

Sample Rubrics from Merrimack School District:


Assessment of Portfolios

html  Rubric for Evaluating Portfolios - A resource from Dr. Joyce Morris

html  Evaluating Portfolios - A resource from Dr. Helen Barrett

html  Rubrics for Evaluating LA and Tech Ed - Another resource from Hawaii

html  NETS for Students: Achievement Rubric - This rubric was developed by Learning Point Associates to define four achievement levels in relation to the NETS.


Portfolio Storage Options

NHDOE Gallery Walk (2/5/2009) - This open house event was designed to help districts see the range of portfolio solutions, to be better informed about which portfolio solutions might be a best fit with their overall school environment.

html  Moodle List of K-12 and Higher Ed Websites - This is a list of Moodle site examples created by the NHDOE Office of Educational Technology as a resource for schools considering the use of Moodle. The list includes notes about site features.


Portfolio Examples from K-12 Schools

html  Mr. Lambert's Third and Fourth Grade Class: Electronic Portfolios - An elementary teacher has helped students gather and publish samples for their electronic portfolios. (From Hong Kong International School)

html  Sarah's Electronic Portfolio - Browse through this sixth grader's portfolio to see an example of an electronic portfolio published to the Web. Her reflection pieces are quite interesting. (From Maunawili Elementary School in Hawaii)


Last update:   June 22, 2008