The difference: Outcome:
Increased use of technology by both teachers and students resulting in
motivation in learning and educational success. Student and teacher surveys
and anecdotal records were used to help measure gains. Why it matters: The computer information center has
received multiple teacher requests for Smartboard technology. Therefore,
Motivating other educators to use technology in their classrooms resulting in
positive student achievement.
conditions: Teacher training and technical
support by the computer tech department to get this technology up and running
on our network, providing one on one instruction on how to operate the
Smartboards. Teachers sharing knowledge with other educators to assure
for the future: More detailed
installation instructions to the maintenance department, more time set aside
for professional development and sharing experiences with other educators in
the district. Keep more detailed
written records of lesson plans used by teachers for others to access and
provide more online tutorials to add to teacher and student success.
Recommendations: Know your total cost of ownership including cost of
installation and maintenance of the Smartboard and peripherals. Make sure to
provide adequate time for staff development and collaboration.
our story: High school math department has
online photos and explanation on how Smartboards are used in their
department. Smartboards have been used at various PTA and district meetings
demonstrating the technology and its effectiveness.
to share: The only available document promoting this project,
at this time, is the Spaulding High School Math website: presenting images
of math teachers working with the SMARTBoard and provides additional information.