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Title IV-A Allocation is $30,000 or More An LEA that receives at least $30,000 in SSAE program funds must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment that includes, at a minimum, a focus on the three main Title IV-A program areas of emphasis: a Well Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Schools, and Effective Use of Technology. These criteria can be used to determine needs for supplemental student support if a comprehensive needs assessment is required. However, if not required, these criteria can also inform needs in the program content areas. Title IV-A Allocation is less than $30,000 Districts with allocations under the $30,000 threshold may choose to assessneeds in any one or more of the Title IV-A content areas. LEAs at this allocation level may choose to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. All LEAs still must base their Title IV-A activities on demonstrated need and keep documentation of their identified needs for program monitoring purposes. All activities should be connected to a demonstrated need students have for supplemental support in one or more of the TItle IV-A content areas. Needs Assessment tools for each of the individual Title IV-A content areas can be downloaded from the Needs Assessment Folder found in the Documents for Districts Folder in this toolkit. Resource and Reading Links
Resources for developing Well Rounded Educational Opportunities https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRfnjwdm5sgwUjDzHI25rqnuMhGQ950lUQMVOsPoh9t6XWFuyvpombICkn_QhAxgs52ialeDEMMuQvg/pub |
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Last updated July 16, 2024