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Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit Home
Introduction: How Title IV-A Funding Works
Title IV-A Program Overview
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Entering Your Activities in GMS
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Title IV-A Public Reporting

NH Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program

Title IV, Part A, (also known as the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants or SSAE) in the 2015 reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act supports our nation's commitment to equity of opportunity for all students. The Title IV, Part A the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program is intended to ensure all children graduate from high school ready to thrive in college and careers. ESSA requires that the state report how local educational agencies are using their funds, and the degree to which they are meeting their objectives and outcomes for their use of funds.

ESSA Section 4104. State Use of Funds.

(a) IN GENERAL.-Each State that receives an allotment under section 4103 for a fiscal year shall-

(2) reserve not more than 1 percent of the allotment for the administrative costs of carrying out its responsibilities under this subpart, including public reporting on how funds made available under this subpart are being expended by local educational agencies, including the degree to which the local educational agencies have made progress toward meeting the objectives and outcomes described in section 4106(e)(1)(E).

ESSA Section 4106. Local Educational Agency Applications.

(e) CONTENTS OF LOCAL APPLICATION.-Each application submitted under this section by a local educational agency, or a consortium of such agencies, shall include the following:

(1) DESCRIPTIONS.-A description of the activities and programming that the local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, will carry out under this subpart, including a description of-

(E) the program objectives and intended outcomes for activities under this subpart, and how the local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out under this section based on such objectives and outcomes.

State Level Reporting Requirements graphic image

How LEAs are Using Their Title IV-A Funds

The spreadsheet below reports how funds made available under Title IV-A are being expended by local educational agencies to support their students in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Well Rounded | providing more opportunities for a well rounded education,
  2. Safe and Healthy | providing them with a safe and supportive environment for learning,
  3. Effective Use of Technology | providing them with more effective uses of digital tools and resources.
  4. Flex/Transfer | transferring all or a portion of funds into another federal title program where they are needed more.
  5. 2% Administrative Support | LEAs may take up to 2% of their allocation to support grant administration.
  6. Indirect Costs | based on LEA accepted percentage for overhead of grant management.
Note: The LEA allocations and spending reports listed are for the Grant Year shown on the tab. The report contains information for the entire performance period of the grant.
Note: "Budget Requirement" refers to the requirement for LEAs with allocations over $30,000 to spend at least 20% on Well Rounded Activities, at leat 20% on Safe and Healthy Student activities, and some funds on Effective Use of Technology activities.

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How LEAs are Meeting Their Title IV-A Objectives and Outcomes

The spreadsheet below reports on progress made by LEAs receiving funds under Title IV-A in meeting their objectives and outcomes of their activities to provide their students with the support programs allowable under the Title IV-A program.

Note: The LEA progress reports listed are for the Grant Year shown on the tab. The report contains information for the entire performance period of the grant.

Rating Scale Defined:

  1. = Our activities never met our expected objectives and outcomes.
  2. = Our activities partially met our expected objectives and outcomes.
  3. = Our activities substantially met our expected objectives and outcomes.
  4. = Our activities completely met our expected objectives and outcomes.
  5. = Our activities exceeded our expected objectives and outcomes.
Note: The LEA allocations and spending reports listed are for the Grant Year shown on the tab. The report contains information for the entire performance period of the grant.

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Last updated February 3, 2025

The Titile IV-A Project Planning Toolkit is supported by New Hampshire EdTech at the New Hampshire Department of Education.